TV journalist Tom Mboya has been ordered to pay a monthly upkeep of Sh40,000 for his child. Milimani magistrate A Nyoike directed Mboya to make the payments with effect from today and by fifth of every month pending the hearing and determination of the case.
He was also ordered to surrender his ID card for purposes of acquiring the baby’s birth certificate.
Elsie Achieng, a Kenya Methodist University student, moved to court on Monday saying Mboya has refused to offer any form of financial assistance.
She says the child is two years and four months old.
Achieng says upon the birth of the child, Mboya acquired parental responsibility and continued to consistently provide for the child until November last year when, for no apparent reasons, he stopped maintaining the child.
“All efforts to have him take parental responsibility have failed and he has categorically informed close relatives that he will not maintain the child stating that he is ready to have the matter adjudicated in court,” she says.
Achieng says on February 10, a demand letter was sent to Mboya through her advocate seeking that he takes up responsibility but he did not respond to the letter.
“I am a student at Kenya Methodist University and thus unable to solely provide for the child. I have been forced to depend on my mother who is not only paying my school fees but also meeting all the financial needs of the child,” she says.

