One of the newest kids in the block is one Miss Angeline Wanjeri who has been doing her thing presenting several entertainment features on 'not your mama station ' Kiss TV.

And while some find her skills catchy and label her their favorite, critics are out guns blazing saying she is not as one viewer Mike puts it "she is the most boring thing to have ever happened on Kenyan TV."

Most of the weak points criticism has been laid on includes;

They argue that she has an irritating voice that so annoying and unpleasant to the ear,supposedly too loud for TV.

Her dressing style is 'down ' the critics don't see her as near the best dressed and that she doesn't have any good taste when it comes to dressing.

Forced smile. The ever Smiley face is getting to some people's nerves "that smile is faker than Kim K's booty,its IRRITATING " Liz Wanja emphasizes.

Anjeline presents a series of a featutes alongside other co hosts like Indimuli and Kipto But they say one man's meat is another 's poison and vice versa. What do you think about Angeline and her skills is she that bad or people are being too unfair?


  1. I think if she was just a little humble this would actually work in her favor. having an attitude instead won't do her any justice! and plus shse's on tv to play what the viewers want and not what she personally prefers and hating on songs that people actually like also won't help her!

  2. vivian achieng8 May 2014 at 14:16

    its true angeline needs to change her taste she irritates how i wish u cd come for fashion sense lessons from me gal u disgust!!!!!

  3. She is cool,I like her voice en everything

  4. Haters...she just needs a stylist which is the station's responsibility. She is ok. Don't kill someone's career by hating. That's wrong and karma will be knocking on your door.

  5. She nids sme fashion sense.her frd does it wel chik on live blast around 5... Sh can tak her on fashion.then sh b humble let us fans applaud u

  6. She is getting money while you're busy discussing nonsense

    1. wat money? =)) if she were getting money she wouldnt be dressing like that

  7. Throw away those stockings.......ol da time...yak!!😒

  8. I always put off the tv whenver she appears

    1. she and the other dude they're with. They make me change stations

    2. hahaha lol

  9. She is better of talking but akicheka,,,,,, wolololo

  10. Lets just put it as 'BOREDOMNESS'. Haleti show.

  11. Shit! Akwende kabisa!

  12. Y'all guys are just hating man!How many of u would run a show any better?Cut her some slack.

  13. Angeline is agood presenter thou she need someone to style....i just hate the she dress

