ORIE ROGO is known for her distinctive fashion taste that has since become her trademark. She is one also who doesn't mince her words.

She is the latest figure to enter the growing debate of #BleachedBeauty that has been trending since ousting of Vera SIDIKA who admits to have spent sh.50m to bleach her skin.

In an interview with the Nairobian,the woman politician slayed Vera fair and square.

Here's an excerpt from the interview courtesy SDE

What is your take on the current trend of socialites, particularly the famous Vera Sidika

ROGO: I think they are all a bunch of takataka (rubbish). You media people are spawning something dangerous by promoting such characters. I think this Vera Sidika woman is very stupid. Shame on her.

She is an embarrassment to women, and I feel sorry for her parents. I hope they tried their best to advise and guide her.

By bleaching herself, it‘s obvious that she is ashamed to be black. If she‘s embarrassed of being black, why can‘t she just emigrate and live with people whose skin colour she considers ideal

Why come back to Africa and sell us her fake silicon behind My daughters have posteriors that would probably bring Africa to a standstill!

But they don‘t flaunt them in people‘s faces. Vera is the most despicable woman we have ever had in this country, and should be given a media blackout to protect our young girls from her bad influence and misguided ways.

What do you think about Manduli'd attacks on Vera is she right


  1. I agree with her.

  2. I disagree with Manduli, first,how do you call a fellow woman 'takataka' when she hasnt done anything to you?Secondly, she's an attention seeker and the vile she's throwing at Vera is obviously coz she cant imagine she's outdated and replaced.Thirdly, she's also bleached.

  3. lots of hate there,but completely un called for, Vera is just living her life and the person to blame is the media for obsessing over her, i mean how often do you find a girl who have bleached this days?....nearly every where so its not something new,

  4. Vera vera vera bleach bleach bleach do all that you feel is good for you but one day utalia ujute....

  5. vera Utakufa Tu! Ngoja uone

  6. Everybody shuld just let vera b....dnt hate yes wat she Does z not gud but tha media doesnt force anythn bwt ha tu any1 pipo are tha 1Nz who search tha stryz themselves so if u dnt like t dnt search t.....vera kip doin ua shit get ua money bleach ol u want and muv on at tha end of tha day its ol bwt pay...p.s most of tha women hating u kuna sam who wunt mind being u am sua if they given a chance....

