Its not the first time weae getting a con story about this Guy,the olx management promised to de register him but nothing has been done,he is using the same reported account. Why would they keep him if its so obvious his intentions are known. Does the olx management promote cons by not pulling them down more particularly after getting exposed? We think so. Anyways for the hundredth time,someone falls a victim of these olx con breed

The link is still working for confirmation go HERE the story recieved is as below

April we werr looking fr a house
online as me & my betterhalf had just flew
It was not the first time we were searching
for one online. We have been successful in
the past but this time we did not know we
were gonna get swindled.
We searched in OLX, "found" an SQ in
southB ..that we liked and called the number
listed there. He told us he was Ken and that
he was an agent. The devil truly does show
himself when you are desperate and ready
to spend on what u desperately need. So
this agent tells us that the owner was in
Thika at the moment in church sijui akisaidia
kupika. Apparently there was an event there.
The lady said we m.pesa her the months'
rent and deposit. Since it was exactly
midmonth..that amounted to 18 Gs as a
months rent was to be 12k. We innocently
sent the money because we wanted the
house so bad as we were tired of sleeping in
guesthouses. After sending we kept on
communicating and this woman who called
herself MamaJoy even gave us directions to
Golden gate estate. We were enroute there
to meet her so that she could give us the
keys when we decided to call her again for
final directions. The bitch went mteja.
This Ken on the other hand diverted our
calls but when using another number it goes
stupid 'landlady's name as per mpesa
message is JANE WANJAU . 0721227841 The one we sent
18000 to.
This stupid 'agent' on the other hand upon
realising he had swindled us... we decided to
send 50bob mpesa n realised his was
SAMUEL KABUGA . (0723223244
We reported the matter to the police n was
given an OB number. We even reported it to
OLX property manager but the police and
the manager couldnt help us in time as we
flew out again without them making any
progress. We strongly suspect that there is a
con triangle between the police....olx and
the conmen.
I thought they would be easy to catch as The
'agent'S' number is always on. We even call
sometimes when we are here and it is ever
on. & the police can trace .
Ken Nyabwala the priperty manager alisema atafanya sjui what with cck they track them. its bn 2 mnths. I inboxed Ken on their progress akalapa.


  1. U conned yourself, hw can u mpesa somebody n olx even warns you? Anyway, all the best.

  2. A friend of mine got swindled twice on OLX, it has come to my attention that there are many swindlers there.

  3. Bad Idea!never send money before confirming the item or place for that matter no matter how desperate you are.Conmen are very good at noting your desperation and trust me they will use it against you.Always act like you dont really need that property and if he keeps pressuring you on paying thats already a red flag!

