Following ManderaBusAttack which Al Shabaab claimed responsibility on an incident that left about 28 Kenyans dead,the government through deputy president William Ruto came out combative claiming that…
JUBILEE Propagandists Shamelessly And Unconvincingly Breaks Sweat To Link KAJWANG'S Death To VIAGRA Usage An OVERUSED Theory
As expected Kajwang's untimely death has got Psuedo conspiracy theorists out of their shells trying so had to prove how mentally challenged and dragged they are. While initial media reports surprisin…
Homabay Senator Hon.Otieno Kajwang' died suddenly at Mater Hospital last night following a cardiac arrest that struck at around 9pm at his Nairobi home. He was later rushed to the hospital where he …
EXPOSED: How WILLY PAUL Has Been On Rampage HACKING FACEBOOK Accounts To Grow The LIKES On His Page And How To PROTECT Yours
Past days i read bout bitter encounters from several friends on how their accounts were hacked. I'm going to keep it layman's language no techies jargon. Most hacking victims especially in Kenya are…
SONKO Spots Yet Another New HAIRCUT This Time Not About HAGUE
If there's one head in this country that makes headlines then its Mike Sonko's he has been using it as a protest board against ICC and this time he has drifted home 'Muthama Respect Wife' a message …
Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko is amongst the many politicians recently named by CORD as the grabbers of the Karen Land. While CORD is lined to record a statement and table evidence on their allegations,…
Full List Of Jubilee Land THIEVES In The Grabbed Karen Land

CORD led by Bonnie Khalwale have categorically mentioned and exposed the jubilee politicians at the heart of what is the biggest land grabbing in recent times. Amongst those mentioned as the chief a…
Find Our Why There's MASTURBATION Crisis At UoN Hostels And The Students Are DEPRESSED On This

The University of Nairobi main campus hostels were hit with water shortage in the past few days an incident that sparked an a protest of its own identify. Section of rowdy students went to the fount…
He's Just A GOOD Friend Nothing Going On Says Popular Female Politician On Her Sh 1 Million Gift From A Man
Tharaka Nithi Woman Representative Beatrice Nkatha has defended the Sh1million customised number plate on her vehicle, saying it was a gift. The vehicle, whose number plate reads “Nkatha Mama County”…
This Man UHURU See What He Did Inside The ICC That Left Lawyers And Judges At HAGUE PUZZLED

To the shock of many who had anticipated that the ICC judges terminate the case against the president it was still put on hold until a later date but not thrown out. One would then question why the …
Another ACCIDENT CAUSE In Nairobi Check Out This Lady Seated Front Seat In A Tiny Dress Her THIGHS Exposed Confusing The DRIVER

If you thought drunk driving is the only cause of accidents in the City then you need to think again. Ladies dressed in skimpy dresses can easily confuse the driver who will have to balance between c…
A few days ago, the Country was treated to rare and most unexpected attacks on Hon. Raila Odinga and Taita Taveta Governor Hon. Salim Muvrya, when the two leaders in the company of other Cord leaders…
DRAMA In UMOJA Estate Man Caught SHOPLIFTING Women THONGS Says He Makes LOVE To Them

Residents of Umoja estate in Nairobi witnessed a rare kind of drama at a supermarket when a man in his 30s was caught by the eagle eyes of the security stuffing women under garments into his pants. …
EXPOSED: OBJECTIVE Journalism In Kenya MEDIA Becoming EXTINCT We Continue To REVEAL The Open Lies Sold To The PUBLIC This WEEK
Is yellow or financial journalism out to eat up and mince the noble field of journalism in Kenya. Many especially those in the receiving end have openly been saying that media freedom and its objecti…
GAYS In MOMBASA Goes Into Hiding For Fear After A Video Of Them In A GROUPIE ACTION Leaks Online And Goes VIRAL Exposing Them To The PUBLIC
The gay community in Mombasa is a worried risking attack from the public following a leaked video online showing a number of them doing their 'Backdoor actions'. Shot with a phone the video which wa…
UNTOLD Story Of The 16 Year Old Young THIEF From DANDORA Flaunting Gun He Uses To KILL As A Member Of GAZA GANG
Met Leonard or as he call himself Rama alias Gitothi his code name in the lethal Gaza gang that has been terrorizing people of Eastlands. This photo might pass as any other normal one but wait till y…
ETHICS Gone To The Dogs HOW Kenya Media Houses Went Into A CHEERING Mode And Stopped Being Objective On RAILA's Assault We Have NAMED And SHAMED The Guilty JOURNALISTS
On Monday the former prime minister took his Okoakenya campaigns to Kwale accompanied by his able team. Everything was upbeat until one man attacked the CORD leader hitting him twice with a walking s…
UHURU Does It AGAIN With OBAMA'S Wife Oh Boy UHUNYE Is One Bad A** Michelle Must Be Having A MAGNET On Her BEHIND
Let's start with where it all began, Obama and Michelle hosted head of African states for a dinner at White House during which photo pops were in order. When it was Uhunye's turn,it was all good, smi…