EXCLUSIVE: List Of Kenya Armed Pastors EXPOSED

Following the demands placed by a section of pastors for the government to supply them with AK-47 rifles a statement that provoked mixed reactions from the public,Nairobi Exposed has exclusively conducted investigative survey into the arming of pastors and can now reveal the list of those pastors who are currently armed even as the rest who are unarmed places their demands.

Most of the pastors especially in Nairobi are known for their lavish style of living with many living in posh homes in the city's suburbs and driving luxury cars. With such kind of lifestyle most see themselves as possible targets of attack hence have resorted to getting armed.

Nearly all major pastors in Nairobi are armed but Nairobi Exposed can only reveal the following having verified the facts:

Pastor Thomas Wahome

- Him of Helicopter Of Christ Ministries is armed with a pistol and a source verifies to NE,"he threatened my mum against suing him over the church space,the case has been on going in the courts but this man is dangerous,he came to our place,pulled the gun at mum and threatened to kill her should she fail to terminate the case. I don't know the model but its a pistol" reveals the terrified lady whose mother sued Wahome for illegally running his church on her space in Nairobi.

Wahome is also said to have pulled out the same gun at his separated wife. The man operates with highest level of impunity.

Pastor Paul Kuria

-Its not the first time the Joy Centre Church pastor lands in the Nairobi Exposed columns,earlier this year we had exposed his hypocritical lifestyle that included sexual escapades with different women,heavy drinking and addiction to gambling.

In one of the city's casinos where he is a frequenter,an anonymous source narrates how he carelessly brandishes his gun,"he always come here with group of tycoons,we are used to him and his drinking,I once saw him brandishing the pistol and seemed to be showing this lady he was seated with how to use it,heard him saying Mimi sio mchezo ,always armed"

Pastor Michael Njoroge

-The Fire Ministries Pastor is not a stranger to the public,he had been exposed for having s3x with prostitutes and pay them to act in his church as miracle beneficiaries a trick that was exposed and during the mix up,pulled a gun at the journalists,a pistol precisely.

Pastor Allan Kiuna

-Founder and lead pastor of JCC church,one of the prestigious churches in Kenya frequented by celebrities and mostly the well of middle class Kenyans. He is also amongst the richest pastors in Kenya owning a posh home in Karen,huge with basketball,golf pitch and swimming pool as well.

He is in the list as one follower confirms,"I only saw it by accident since I think he doesn't want anybody knowing he is armed,it was during this retreat in Nakuru,his coat flipped up and I saw it right there on his waist,hard a brown tail,he quickly covered. Ge has bodyguards too so I don't understand why he didn't leave it to them" confirms the JCC follower.

Apostle Wilfred Lai

-The Jesus Celebration Centre's pastor based in Mombasa,he has been on the spotlight more than once with controversy related issues including land grabbing. "anayo bunduki nani hajui.Mombasa mzima? Yeye kasema hatotishwa na mtu yeyote hata hao magaidi wanaoua wahubiri[he is armed and everybody in Mombasa knows that,he has bragged that the attackers killing pastors in the region won't scare him and will kill on spot]" says a Mombasa resident. This gun was also spotted back in 2006 during a land grabbing tussle in Mombasa.

Pastor Maina Njenga

-He is the Hope International's pastor a reformed Mungiki church. In his past Maina was affiliated with one of the most dangerous sect in Kenya history,Mungiki,where he was  there leader but reformed. He owned an AK-47 rifle and was arrested for illegally owning the firearm. Recently some gunmen attempted an assassination on him but was unsuccessful,his gun was drawn and that's how people got to know he is still armed.

Pastor Muriithi

-Jesus Is Alive Ministry's one of the most established churches in Nairobi and Kenya with a good following,he downplays it but amongst the richest pastors,he is on the top list,one of the worshipers close with the church's operations tells NE,"its not news,many of us here knows he has it but never at a time has he brandished it,even his bodyguards doesn't touch it,he simply arms himself,i've seen it like 3 times only in my four years here now. He is very secretive" said the follower.

Pastor James Ng'ang'a

-One of the richest,most controversial and bragging pastors in Kenya. He only drives Range Rovers which he calls big machines,he is on record bragging that as a man of God he only drives big machines nothing cheap. Its not a secret that he intoxicates with alcohol something known amongst believers and informed Kenyans,many blogs have labelled him rogue pastor in their publications. Recently got married to a lady twice younger*exaggeration* and this sparked a debate,was exposed how his eyes are unruly when it comes to young hot followers.

He doesn't shy away from admitting to owning a gun as one time he was overheard bragging to his peers "SSK heavy blaster on the waist,always"

Prophet Dr. Owuor

-As revealed on NE earlier,this is the most protected pastor in Kenya right now with a presidential security suite. In his detail are ex servicemen who are highly trained to protect him,they are always on the alert and will be up guarding him as he conducts his summons. This is also an open secret that he is armed and with powerful weaponry in fact speculations have it that he always have his bulletproof vest on in any public gathering.


  1. Wasapere na pesa!?!?!?!?............. wameingia tu church kuget doh!!

    1. so wat u devil????!!!,,kwani hakuna tribe ingine apo???,,,kuma ya mmako!!!

  2. even the simplest of facts, u still get them wrong.Bishop Kiuna lives in Runda not Karen. Jesus is alive ministries is headed by Margaret wanjiru,David mureithi heads the House of Grace

  3. get ua facts right meen

  4. NE have facts before speculating on any matter.

  5. get prophet owuor out of the list for heavens sake

  6. So what! Have your own and add ur name!

  7. Hakuna
    mambo na ukabila.. These pastors knw how to recieve n not to give..
    Watu wanakufa hospitalini..ever heard any of the pastors going there to
    pray for them?.. Watu wanakufa turkana coz of hunger..with all the
    riches.. Ever heard one of the pastors donate a dime? Afadhali catholic,
    AIC, ABC, They support n donate to schools n hospitals.. FAKE
    PASTORS.. wanajua kujaza matumbo yao tu

  8. ...kupumgukiwa nayoo...!Wivu itakuua mshamba wewe...!kuna pahali Yesu aliponya mtu mmoja mbona hakuponya wote na hiyo swali haujiulizi


  10. Mungu atusamehe

  11. Y do uav 2pop ua nose 2matters dat daznt pertain u? Learn2mind ua own bznez n stp mendling in ada pples' lyf..rem dat uav no rait 2 jaj any1 cz u uaslf aint perfect.

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