EXPOSED: Jihad Group Uses Mohammed Ali's JICHO PEVU Clips To Recruit Militants And Congratulates Him

Allegations that Jihads in East Africa are using Mohammed Ali's investigative pieces to justify their acts and incite young muslims into joining Jihad and recruited into the Al Shabaab militia group in Somalia seems to have been strengthened.

A Jihad Channel on YouTube Ashaabul Khalf has been using Jicho Pevu clips in inciting followers and justifying their acts. A strong case in mind is the rogue murder of slain clerics Aboud Rogo and other clerics both whom have been mentioned in intelligence reports as jihads and Al Shabaab recruitment agents in Kenya.

The entire YouTube channel is flooded with Jicho Pevu clips and in a video's description they go ahead and showers Moha with praises for.a job well done in exposing the"evils" committed by their enemies which includes US and Kenya,Uganda,Tanzania. Notice the profile photo the group is using on the YouTube page is that of Aboud Rogo after being murdered a sign that they mourn his death and was an affiliate

Below is a series of screen captures from  the Ashaabul Khalf

The same clips are also sold at the radical clerics hub Masjid Musa Mosque in Mombasa for Ksh 100. Should this be a cause for alarm or they are simply taking advantage of Moha's investigative pieces.

1 comment:

  1. rogo was always an an shabab, hiyo nayo si uongo. n the police did a good job to take him down
