Barely a week has passed when the Easy FM presenter made a post expressing her fears and love towards Ndegwa a Nakumatt Westgate employee.

Many people read it as a sign of romantic relationship and were particularly touched by the emotional wave that it came with.

However Sheila has come out to clear the air saying "He is a good person and not romantically
involved with me at all so no wedding bells or anything!"

But do you think the two can rhyme or it's impossible,what do you feel about Sheila disowning him week later.


  1. it's not disowning. She's just clearing the air

  2. anatufunga macho

  3. She is not disowning him. The problem with social media is the unlimited exposure received on the matter that was so much that she could not handle that elicited above remarks. Chochote chawezekana.

  4. She is not disowning him. The problem with social media is the unlimited exposure received on the matter that was so much that she could not handle that elicited above remarks. Chochote chawezekana.

  5. she is putting the facts straight! dont make it sound otherwiswe

