New Uganda Anti Pornography Bill Outlaws Miniskirts

Many would argue it as a human rights depriving but the parliament of Uganda has passed anti-pornography bill 2011 that will make it illegal to wear miniskirts. This as they argue will reduce rape cases which supposedly is fueled by ladies dressing "inappropriately".

The Bill defines pornography as any cultural practice, form of behaviour or form of communication or speech or information or literature or publication in whole or in part or news story or entertainment or stage play or broadcast or music or dance or art or graphic or picture or photography or video recording or leisure activity or show or exhibition.

It also prohibits any combination of the preceding that depicts unclothed or under clothed parts of the human body such as breasts, thighs, buttocks and genitalia, a person engaged in explicit sexual activities or conduct; erotic behaviour intended to cause sexual excitement and any indecent act or behaviour tending to corrupt morals.

This is expected to even extend to the social media where erotic photos are posted so ladies in case you are in Uganda or planning to visit and wanna stay sexy,to be safe never show your cleavage,forget showing off your thighs in that miniskirt,hotpant,micro dress or anything that exposes your vital parts and get yourself a marinda dress.