BREAKING: MUDAVADI Passes Out And Rushed To The Hospital

Word reaching has it that the Amani coalition leader Musalia Mudavadi has been rushed to Aga Khan hospital in Kisumu after he fainted. Mudavadi who was in Bungoma rooting for Kombo to win the senatorial seat and was defeated by a milestone with CORD's Wetangula has not taken the news lightly.

The last time he was seen okay was when he disowned the elections results saying they were flawed and didn't reflect the will of the people. He went further to say that tension was rife in Bungoma as residents were allegedly discontented with the results.

Moments later after addressing the press,Mudavadi who was weary,disappointed and full of bitterness passed out in his car and was quickly driven to a hospital in Bungoma before being rushed to Aga Khan.

According to one of his aide,"the win of Wetangula and loss of Kombo has greatly affected him,he did not eat anything nor slept last night,he is worked out and according to preliminary reports the doctors have given us that its exhaustion and stressed"

Hopefully he gets through with it.


  1. wish him quick recovery

  2. hahaha...i like what Raila told him..quick recovery though

  3. Heheheee! It's called cowardice... You know what cowards do before their real deaths?

  4. Thats how he behaved when he was floored by Akaranga 2002. Kama hawezi anaendanga nini?

  5. chupilee will quickly buy him a political coffin to join Martin Shikuku

  6. its the madimoni in him faiting him

  7. Politics is a game of tyranny with numbers, hajasoma label?. ajipe moyo for it definitely needs a strong heart and enough shock absorbers
